Event Flyer

My Project:

 I created this project using Microsoft Word.

My daughter is in the junior high band and each summer they do a car wash to raise funds for various expenses. So I chose to create this flyer for that event. The audience for this flyer would be band students, parents and the entire community.

I started this project by making four sketches of my ideas, indicating placement of white space, images, and color choice. After completing my sketches I searched the internet to see if any of my image ideas were available and copied them for later. I started a couple of different rough versions of the flyer before settling on this version. It was difficult to decide on a car image, it needed to be going a certain direction for the band members to look like they were marching up it. The last thing I did was pull in the cloud background image, the flat color in the background just wasn’t right.  Once I had made the final touches I saved the Word file as a PDF, then converted it to a JPG for posting.

Critique Report:
My project was critiqued by Carrie Hunt and Charity Jacob. The feedback from my critique was that I had good repetition of shapes and colors. Also that the fonts, colors and the marching band on the car were good choices and interesting. Some of the suggested changes were to underline the entire web address or remove the underline and to make it smaller so it all fit on one line. Another critique was that my body copy was too close to the edge of the piece. The instructor had the same concern about my body copy and also pointed out that I had trapped white space between my blocks of color. I agreed with all of the suggestions that I received and made the appropriate changes. However, rather than keeping the web address under the logo box, where I originally had it, I moved it into the box with the rest of the body copy.  I critiqued drafts for Shannalee Manwaring, Beth Kirby, Jacob Hayes and Charity Jacobs.

Image Source:
Sky – http://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/styles/watermarked/public/sky1.png
Car – http://cdn.drivingfutures.com/3_car.png
Sonic Logo – https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/df/Sonic_Drive-In_logo.svg/1280px-Sonic_Drive-In_logo.svg.png

Color Scheme:
Analagous – Navy, Teal, Purple

Titles – Bodoni MT Black, 72 pt and 24 pt, Sarif
Body Copy – Calibri, various pt sizes, Sans Sarif

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Leah, Cute flier! You being able to have the marching band walking up the car is great! How did you do that. I have a long way to go in learning about what Word can do. I liked the layout of your text boxes. I learned this week how to delete the boxes so the words are on the background. Check out my flier to see what I mean. I started with boxes and went to this https://wemarkblog.wordpress.com/2016/05/19/event-flier-project/


    1. lmgoodwi says:

      Thanks. To get the band marching up the car I just put the band image on top of the car image and tried to get it lined up so it looked right.


  2. clee722 says:

    This looks so good! I love the colors that you used. I also really like the band people that you put on the car! That is so cleaver! Great Job!
    Check out my blog, https://portfoliocolette.wordpress.com


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